The following are from a friday night in melbourne at a place called forepaw. Forepaw is a small art gallery in melbourne somewhere. These bootlegs are from a more well attended than I'm used to noise show that included a sludging gloomy duo called druid, a rattling sheet of fence metal with broken dancing shards of glass skittering everywhere one piece called oranj punjabi, the bent to death songs of lakes and newcastle trio brassskulls.
Click the links to download mp3 files... punjabi
These next ones are from a saturday night house show at mark skeltons house in Thornbury? They include bum creek doing a mind bender of a play called snail man, i think someone filmed it also... this file is audio so you will have to imagine rainbow demon phoenixs rising from the complete madness of it all. The throbbing psychedelia of aktion unit, the absolutely punishing miasma of awesome absoluten calfeutrail and brassskulls again. This show was bumped from glitch bar.
click links to download mp3 files. creek unit calfeutrail